Jace’s Downtown Houma Senior Session

The answer is YES! I do photograph senior BOYS. I get asked this question so often. Because I photograph so many girl seniors, I can see how it looks like I don’t photograph boys. So let me tell you why I love taking boy senior pictures. Boys are actually easy to photograph. Their senior session is often the first time they’ve had portraits taken of just them. It’s so common to hear a parent say that their son HATES pictures. I’ve experienced the total opposite over the years. Boys may arrive feeling like they would rather be anywhere else, but before I know it, I’m getting lots of “Wow’s” when they see their pictures in my camera. That always makes me so happy.

Jace’s senior session was one of my top fave boy sessions. We went from city life in Downtown Houma to a hunter and fisherman’s paradise at the Butch Hill boat launch. Boat, hunting dog, shotgun, pistol and a bow.. yessss! So fun. I love it when we feature a senior’s hobbies, especially a boy senior.

Jace’s behind the scenes pictures..